Alice Shay, Micheal Haggerty, Stephen Kennedy, 2013. Social Design Field Guide: A handbook from experiences of participatory design in Indonesia. Firm Foundation, Hong Kong.
ALNAP, 2009. Participation Handbook for Humanitarian Field Workers: Involving Crisis-affected People in a Humanitarian Response. Groupe URD.
Berengere de Negri, Aloys Ilinigumugabo, Elizabeth Thomas, 1998. Empowering Communities: PARTICIPATORY TECHNIQUES FOR COMMUNITY-BASED PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT (Participants Handbook).
Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS), Nairobi.Burkey, S., 1993. People first: a guide to self-reliant participatory rural development. Zed Books, London ; Atlantic Highlands, N.J.
Caroline Cage, 2012. Urban Participatory Planning (Practical action briefing). Practical Action, Rugby.Chambers, R., 2002. Participatory workshops: a sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities. Earthscan Publications, London ; Sterling, VA.
Cornwall, A. (Ed.), 2011. The participation reader. Zed Books, London ; New York.Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, James Macanufo, 2010. Game Storming: Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers. O’Reilly Media, USA.
David Wilcox, 1994. The guide to effective participation. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.Hamdi, N., 2010. The placemakers’ guide to building community, Tools for community planning. Earthscan, London ; Washington, DC.
UK Community Participation Network, 1998. Participation works. New Economics Foundation.Wates, N., 2000. The community planning handbook: how people can shape their cities, towns and villages in any part of the world. Earthscan, London.
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Child Friendly Cities
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